Thursday, December 11, 2008

20 Gift Ideas for $1 by Domino

I love love Domino Magazine, this article is fun and gave me great ideas.

Monday, December 8, 2008

My Etsy Site is up and running

Thank you to my beautiful friends who helped me take photos for my Etsy site; it is officially up and running! FINALLY!

I have only listed a few items and there will be many more to come in the following days...that way you will have to keep checking back everyday.
Trust me, there is great stuff I haven't posted yet.

I'm leaving you all in suspense.

Check it out!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Why in God's name...

Why would they make this sequal? can't be for the money, cuz it ain't gonna make any.
Maybe so they could cast the ugliest kid alive (sorry, that was mean).

This looks worse than Sandlot 2 & 3.

My Childhood Doppelgangers

Due to the adorable pictures of Sunny as a child on her last post, I thought I'd share with you My Childhood Doppelgangers:

Age 5-10 I pretty much looked exactly like:

It's actually kind of creepy how much I looked like her...but my style was not nearly as awesome.

Ages 11-13, during the chubby-puberty years, I pretty much looked exactly like Becky from Little Giants:

...only my bangs were a little more giant.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Kiss.

Fun little movie made by yours truly and Chris King spur of the moment last night after a big bowl of Mexican salad.

I think it's cute.