Friday, December 5, 2008

My Childhood Doppelgangers

Due to the adorable pictures of Sunny as a child on her last post, I thought I'd share with you My Childhood Doppelgangers:

Age 5-10 I pretty much looked exactly like:

It's actually kind of creepy how much I looked like her...but my style was not nearly as awesome.

Ages 11-13, during the chubby-puberty years, I pretty much looked exactly like Becky from Little Giants:

...only my bangs were a little more giant.


Whereismyrobot said...

Is that one in blue you? You were a cutie!

Hmm, you were a little bit bigger (not fat, bigger) and you are tiny now. I was a scrawny kid, and now I am on the larger side.

Jennifer Trevino said...

haha, I went through a weird bigger phase from like 4-6th grade...and was getting boobs early...and it all just stopped growing. haha.