Thursday, November 6, 2008

How do you have a doggie in NYC?

Today I was sent a proposal from my Dad in Texas, asking me if I would be interested in taking care of our dog Lucy while they make the transition moving from Dallas to Houston. He did not specify how long this time would be, but my heart immediately jumped at the thought of my sweet little Lucy living with me.

Lucy is the best dog in the whole world and the idea of having her for a couple of months is Awesome!! She is the most amazing dog ever!

Observe Picture Above:

But my question is, how does someone take proper care of a dog living in NYC?
  • Small Apartment
  • Alone in apartment for 11-12 hours a day
  • It now gets freakishly dark here at 5pm (WTF is up with that??)
  • I live in the ghetto and pit bulls and BedStuy-ites will git us as I walk her in the dark
  • I would have to come straight home after work every day, no exceptions
  • No social life ( ???)....
I see people all the time happily walking their adorable dogs down the streets; are these dogs really happy? Do they get played with enough? Do their owners have adequate social lives?

Chances are Lucy won't be living in Brooklyn anytime soon, if ever at all...but if she did would the good outweigh the bad?

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