Monday, November 10, 2008

New Kids on the Block...more like, OLD Kids on the I right? AM I RIGHT?

-Dude, after Sam told me she attended the New Kids on the Block concert last week and told me how f*ing hilarious it was, I had to check out there new music videos.
If you know me well, you know how much I love taking enjoyment in all entertainment that is terrible...and this is Gold my friend; Pure Gold.
Seriously, this is almost difficult to watch b/c you feel ebmarrassed for both yourself and them.

ps. notice how they hardly ever show Donnie aka MonkeyFace

Barf-O Video #1

Lame-O Video #2


Megha said...

haaaa monkey face. too bad he has more cash $$ than i'll ever effing have.

Whereismyrobot said...

I believe DANNY is the monkey face. I do not judge, I think this might be kind of fun...yeah there I admitted it.